ON THE CONTRARY ON THE CONTRARY Walter Hallslein. first President of the EEC Commission. once said « We're noi in business - we're in politici ». Now the dietum seems lo bave been revived. The Commission's new President. Roy lenkins. has reminded the European Parliumcnt that the Community is un economie meuns lo a politicai end. Anthony Croslund, the new Chairmun of the Council. has jpokcn of ils « politicai rcality ». Fine: bui two puradoxcs remain. The first is furlher enlargement. Everyone wunls Crocce and other countries to join — for politicai reasons. Bui no one expluins how the Communily's modest politicai conlent could iIksi avoid being spread loo thin. The second paradox suggests un answer. Silice 1954. when the European Defence Community failed. economie integration has been the detour round that politicai io.nl block. Now. with inftalion, unemploymenl. und widely divergenl growlh. the delour has become a roadblock in ils unii Perhaps ilie lime has come lo muke u delour round the detour, and head straight for Eurupe's politicai goal. With defence budgei citta und defence costi soaring, a European weapons pool looks more alt radi ve. Objcctors could ulwuys be told « We're noi in politics - we're in business ». Othcrwise. we may noi be in business very long. Pangloss

Persone citate: Anthony Croslund, Walter Hallslein